The “Silver Bullet” is a legal technique in which a parent claims domestic violence fraud to gain strategic advantage in family court. This includes child support, custody, parenting time, decision making ability. They typically get complete control of the children and special protections by the court. We must Stop the Silver Bullet – it is hurting children and families.
The Civil Bullet Technique
The “Civil Bullet” is a technique in which a parent, usually a mother, claims domestic violence without filing criminal charges. They simply have to go to the court, often with a lawyer, and say they are scared. Then, without any due process, they get the kids, money and upper hand in the parenting case.
This injustice is supported by the gender biased Women’s Bar Associations and Domestic Violence Coalitions, nationwide.
Fixing the Family Courts
The States and Family Courts are biased towards women and against men, and get federal funding which protect women and typically award sole custody to women and protection orders for women with little regard to abuse on men.
When women are abused by Domestic Violence fraud, it is because they are less politically connected.
Lying Lawyers
The issue with the Family courts is that lawyers, judges and parents lie with little to no consequence.
Learn more by reading “New Hampshire Oliver Twist” or watching the bellow testimony.
The “Silver Bullet” False Allegations
The Silver Bullet Technique is well known – when a person, typically a woman, makes false domestic violence claims to gain strategic advantage in family matters. The Silver Bullet is criminal in nature, and so, reports are made to the police and arrests are made with little to no evidence.
You don’t have to take my word for it – the Silver Bullet is widely known and used. Hear female lawyer and men’s rights advocate Melissa Isaak describes the family court system and false allegations:
The Civil Bullet – DV Protection Orders
These help typically women get strategic advantage in divorce and parenting cases. It also helps them get child support. Women can claim “Domestic Violence” without ever experiencing violence or reporting to the police.
See the “Expedited Child Support” contract between DHHS and the Family Courts.
Violence Against Women’s Act
The States get money to create an industry of Domestic Violence industry, and also generate funds for lawyers in that state.
This money increases the likelihood of Domestic Violence Fraud.
Deprivation of Rights in Family Court
Unfortunately, courts run under what they believe is absolute immunity. This means the states contend, or have you believe, that the Judicial Branch has “Sovereign Immunity” and the judges have “Absolute Immunity”.
I would argue that this is not true.
This is why the Judges do what they do. The family courts are a racket – all the way up to the Supreme Court. After speaking with dozens of men and women I have met through personally through this unfortunate experience, I have found there is discrimination against women, too.
This occurs when the women is less politically connected, less attractive, or acts in a manner not feminine enough. When they don’t play the victim.
This is wrong – discrimination based on gender or sexual preference is not only illegal, but a retarded form of justice.
Bad Domestic Violence Coalitions
There seem to be a lot of misappropriation and bad acts with Domestic Violence coalitions and groups across the country.
Domestic Violence Coalition
Here’s one in Tennessee where the the Department of Health and Human Services conducted an investigation where they found the Tennessee Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence “committed an unlawful act of reprisal”.
Domestic Violence Coalition Ceases Operations
Oklahoma nonprofit that trains advocates who care for victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse, lobbies for legislation to protect them and garners millions in federal funds to support – ceased operations in September, 2023 — according to
New Hampshire Domestic Violence Groups
There are many groups in New Hampshire, but the all seem to stem from NHCADSV – New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence. They have incentive to employ the “Silver Bullet” technique which increases Domestic Violence Fraud.
This is most egregious when employed in Family court; the “Civil Bullet”.
Task Force on Domestic Violence –
Funding from Violence Against Women Act
“Domestic Violence” protection is only for women….. as seen in this Domestic Violence Funding Opportunity Contract :
“The Services * Training * Officers * Prosecutors (STOP) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program ……
Training law enforcement officers, judges, court personnel, and prosecutors to more effectively identify and respond to violent crimes against women,
including the crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking;
Developing training, or expanding units of law enforcement officers, judges, court personnel, and prosecutors
specifically targeting violent crimes against women
including the crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking;
Developing and implementing more effective police, court, and prosecution policies, protocols, orders, and services
specifically devoted to preventing, identifying, and responding to violent crimes against women,
including the crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence,
and stalking;
Developing, installing, or expanding data collection and communication systems, including computerized systems linking police, prosecutors, and courts for the purpose of identifying and tracking arrests, protection orders, violations of protection orders, prosecutions, and convictions for violent crimes against women, including the crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking;
Developing, enlarging, or strengthening victim services programs, including sexual assault, domestic violence, and dating violence programs, developing or improving delivery of victim services to under-served populations, providing specialized domestic violence court advocates in courts where a significant number of protection orders are granted, increasing reporting and reducing attrition rates for cases involving violent crimes against women, including crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking;
Supporting formal and informal statewide, multidisciplinary efforts, to the extent not supported by state funds, to coordinate the response of state law
enforcement agencies, prosecutors, courts, victim services agencies, and other state agencies, to violent crimes against women, including the crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking;”
from Page 2 of the 2023 STOP Violence Against Women Act Formula Grant – Opportunity Details:
Full Domestic Violence Grant Document Only Serving Women
“Court-issued CPOs provide domestic violence victims with important options while influencing batterers to stop the abuse.” NCJFCJ
Violence Against Women Act Grant Formula
$55,000 in easy money singed by lobbyist for the Domestic Violence Coalition – view document.
Sub-grantee award – view document.
They aren’t supposed to Lobby for state funds and federal grant money, but they do. Here are some financial statements required by lobbyists:
Lyn Schollett, Director of NHCADSV
Amanda Grady Sexton, NHCADSV and Concord City Councilor (approves Police budgets)
Erin Jasina, New Hampshire Legal Assistance
While the Coalition acknowledges men suffer more abuse in New Hampshire and at a higher rate than nationally.
Women’s Bar Association
The NH Women’s Bar Association attempts to Gerrymander the Family Courts
Stop Silver Bullet Domestic Violence Fraud
Any fraud in the family courts hurts children. We need to stop the lies – and the only way to do that is to hold lawyers, judges, mothers and fathers accountable. Attorneys take an oath.
People make mistakes, but when they are purposeful and autocorrected, they are Perjury. In New Hampshire, the penalty for Perjury, a felony, is up to 7 years in prison. I think that is a little excessive, but the record needs to be corrected.
What do you think? Discuss here.