Legal Terms and Theory

Summary Judgement

Declaratory Judgement

Coercive Judgement

Injunctive Relief, Injuction



Collateral, Collateral Damages


Nol Pros (Nol Prosequi) – Not to prosecute. Source

New Hampshire Common Law –

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress –

Writs of Error – Orders from a Higher court to a lower court to send record for review as a matter of to correct any errors of law.

Writs of Certiorari – Orders from a Higher court to a lower court to send record for review as a matter of appeal.

Writ of Prohibition – Orders from a Higher court to a lower court to stop a proceeding when acting outside jurisdiction or normal proceedings.

Bill of Exceptions –

Adverse Inference – Jury Instruction to advise them of Spoliation Evidence can be inferred in the affected party’s favor.
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